COvid 19 Policy
At Blue Jellyfish SUP Adventures, we have been continuously monitoring the changes and updates related to the COVID-19 situation. Our priority has always been and will continue to be, maintaining the health and safety of our staff, guest paddlers, and our community. That being said, we continue our paddleboarding adventures while implementing the COVID-19 guidelines that have been enforced by the federal and provincial authorities.
The new guidelines at Blue Jellyfish SUP are as follows;
A COVID-19 self-assessment must be signed (digitally) in addition to the waiver before joining any of our programs
Physical Distancing
All participants must maintain a distance of 2-metres from staff and the instructor at all times
Preventing the spread
All participants must sanitize their hands before and after the paddleboarding program
Masks must be worn indoors and on the dock. Masks can only be taken off once on the water
All participants are strongly encouraged to bring their own personal floating devices however, staff can provide them
All equipment will be disinfected by staff after each use
Blue Jellyfish SUP Adventures will only be providing private lessons or private bubble lessons (up to 6 people within the same household); courses and tours are done by request
Experiencing Symptoms
We request that if anyone is experiencing symptoms related to COVID-19, which includes fever, dry cough, fatigue, aches and pains, sore throat, diarrhea, headaches, loss of smell, shortness of breath and chest pain, to please call us at 778-351-2583 to cancel before your session.
Worry-Free Booking
During this time, Blue Jellyfish SUP Adventures has implemented a Worry-Free Booking Policy; if anyone needs to cancel their session, an option of a full refund or a rebook for another day is provided to the participant.
Blue Jellyfish SUP Adventures response to COVID-19
We have been proactive about COVID-19 following both public health and Paddle Canada restrictions and recommendations from the beginning of the pandemic. At this time we are offering private, semi private and small group lessons, assuming the group members are all part of a the same bubble. Paddle Canada Basic Flatwater Stand Up Paddleboard Skills, Advanced Flatwater Stand Up Paddleboard Skills and Coastal Touring Skills are on hold until it is safe to continue. Custom programming may be designed by request and we will be paddling throughout the winter months following strict Covid guidelines.
All small group travel trips are postponed until further notice.
If you have questions about booking with Blue Jellyfish SUP Adventures,
please contact pam@bluejellyfishSUP.ca or 1-905-334-7360.